CBM Italia ETS (civil society organization) is an international organization committed to health, education, employment, and the rights of people with disabilities where the need is greatest, both globally and in Italy.
- 51
- Projects
- 11
- Countries
- 2.305.145
- People reached in 2023
What we do
Over 1 billion persons throughout the world have a disability (about 15% of the global population); of these, 80% live in developing countries. A vicious circle links disability and poverty. We want to break this cycle by working together with the communities on projects that promote health, education and independent living.
Prevention of avoidable blindness, support for hospitals and ophthalmology centres, mobile clinics, prevention and cure of neglected tropical diseases, training of doctors and operators.
Medical care and surgery, physical rehabilitation, equipping of hospitals, training of doctors and operators.
Promotion of disability-inclusive development, inclusive education, vocational training, food security programmes.
Disability-inclusive programmes in preparation for and response to humanitarian and environmental emergencies, training of operators in the field.
How we work
CBM Italia is part of CBM (Christian Blind Mission), an international development organisation, committed since 1908 to improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities in the poorest communities of the world.
Our projects help to implement the principles embodied in the «UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities», around the world and in Italy, and strengthen the global commitment to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.
We have a code of conduct and a safeguarding policy for the rights of children and adults in conditions of greater vulnerability that commits us to comply with the principles of honesty, respect, propriety, and inclusion.

- We work with communities to affirm the rights and promote the inclusion of persons with disabilities in every aspect of life (Community-based inclusive development).
- We are active where the need is greatest in Africa, Asia and Latin America; we are also present in Italy.
- We work together with local partners and organisations of persons with disabilities.
Where we work

Suppression of trachoma in the districts of Debub Sodo, Silti, and Misrak Silti in Ethiopia.

Mental health and psychosocial support for children and young people in Karnataka, India

Yuva Vikas: Unlock the human potential of Indian children through eye health and inclusive education

Institutional strengthening of organizations of persons with disabilities in Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua

Accelerate elimination of Onchocerciasis and Lymphatic filariasis in Juba County, South Sudan

Prevention of trachoma through increased awareness and improved access to sanitary facilities in selected schools in Unity State

COWPERATION: Reduction of child malnutrition and the promotion of food security among the vulnerable groups in the Woreda of Ebnat, South Gondar Zone, Amhara Region

Trachoma elimination program in Debub Sodo, Silti and Misrak silti Districts of SNNPR, Ethiopia

Smart Climate - Sustainable Agriculture in Malawi for a better resilience to climate changes

F.I.R.E.! Training Project on Educational Inclusion and Resilience for children with CHARGE syndrome

Scaling up Mass Drug Administration (MDA) to Eliminate Trachoma in Rubkona County, Unity state, South Sudan

LIKE WATER. Individual educational-rehabilitative therapies for children with CHARGE syndrome

+AIR: Inclusive recreational activities and assistance to children with CHARGE syndrome

Food security to malnourished children at schools and vulnerable communities in East and West Belessa (Ahmara region)

Inclusion strategies in socio-health and school services. Operational models for accompanying children with disabilities in Bolivia

F.I.R.E.! Training Project on Educational Inclusion and Resilience for children with CHARGE syndrome

Scaling up Mass Drug Administration (MDA) to Eliminate Trachoma in Rubkona County, Unity state, South Sudan

Together to eliminate trachoma and improve eye health in South Sudan

Accelerate elimination of Onchocerciasis and Lymphatic filariasis in Juba County, South Sudan
Partners and donors
Our work in developing countries and in Italy is made possible by the trust and support of 48.480 individual donors and many institutions, foundations and companies.
In 2023 CBM Italia raised € 5,2 M.
We are part of an international organisation active since 1908.
We are one of the 275 Civil Society Organisations recognised by AICS (Italian Agency for Development Cooperation).
From 2006 to 2020, the financial statements were audited by KPMG, and then became the subject of a statutory audit from 2021, in compliance with the requirements of the Third Sector Code.
We have a Code of Conduct that commits us to comply with the principles of honesty, respect, propriety and inclusion.
CBM is acknowledged as a “Non-State Actor in official relations with the World Health Organization", with which it collaborates.

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